Before School Sports
Early Morning Sports
Bring it to your school and get these kids moving!
Your teachers will thank me :)

Should kids sit at desks for hours?
Sometimes recess and gym class are later in the day. Start with movement and sports to help manage their energy. I'm not even going to waste time finding the research - you already know the benefits!

Raise money for your HSA!
A portion of the proceeds goes right back to your Home and School Association. You send details to your school families and I'll handle everything else and then write you a check.

Custom Sports for Students
Are they huge mat-ball fans? Is basketball on their mind all day? Whatever it is, I have 20 years of coaching experiencing and will design games just for them.

Typical Morning for Students
7:30 am - Arrive to the gym/field
7:40 am - Free play
8:00 am - Organized games
8:30 am - Cool down and dismissal
Wanna learn more?
Email or call Matt Hartman @ 610-733-5579